Use Case

E-Commerce Graphics

E-Commerce thrives on speed. CHILI GraFx puts you in the fast lane, empowering you to rapidly create stunning product visuals, promotional materials, and personalized/localized campaigns that keep pace with fast evolving product offerings.

E-Commerce Graphic Production Challenges

The relentless pace of e-commerce makes generating a high volume of product campaigns and visuals a never-ending struggle.

Visual Overload

Teams struggle to keep visuals fresh across channels, promotions, and ever-evolving product lines.

Resource Drains

Designers are swamped with repetitive resizing, reformatting, and other variant production updates.

Workflow Bottlenecks

Disconnected systems, manual processes, and endless approvals slow down your operations.

Conquer E-Commerce Graphic production with CHILI GraFx

CHILI GraFx centralizes your creative production and automates the output of design and format variants for every channel – digital, motion, and print – from a single template.

Template Genius

Lock in brand elements, then customize parameters for streamlined production.

Centralized Creation

Empower designers, marketers, and local teams to generate new visuals on demand.

Resize, Adapt, Scale

Instantly resize, personalize, and localize graphic output for every market & channel.

Benefits of CHILI GraFx

Unleashed Creativity

Free your designers for high-impact, strategic concepts.

Accelerated Time to Market

Launch campaigns and new products faster than ever.

Global Reach, Local Impact

Deliver highly targeted experiences worldwide.

Brand Consistency

Enable every asset to reflect your brand's unique identity.

Data-Driven Optimization

Track performance to refine your graphic production strategy.

Scalability for Growth

Rapidly adapt production as your business expands.

Book your Demo!

Ready for a one-on-one demo of CHILI GraFx specially tailored to your E-Commerce Graphics needs? Fill out your details, and we'll book a specialist to show you the potential of CHILI GraFx.