Today, we’re delighted to invite Florian Payri, General Director at ARISTID Retail Technology, to write a guest post about new technology developments between ARISTID and CHILI publish. ARISTID are well known in the retail space for their platform —Omnipublish By ARISTID— that enables their clients to use data to create ultra-precise, personalized, and localized offers for their customers. OMNIPUBLISH’s innovations are putting new demands on marketing teams to produce the large quantities of varied marketing collateral now possible. And that’s where CHILI publish fits in. But we’ll let Florian explain…
Let me start by congratulating CHILI publish on their recent €10 million investment news. It’s great to see that smart investors share our faith in the future of CHILI publish’s mission to build the future of on-brand visual communication at scale.
As retail specialists, ARISTID create technology tools capable of designing large-scale, personalized, commercial offers. We digitalize business processes to accelerate retail transformation and increase our customers’ profitability. We achieve this through our OMNIPUBLISH platform.
CHILI publish and ARISTID have grown alongside each other in different markets in recent years. And I think it’s fair to say, we both kept noticing how our domains of expertise fit together perfectly.
We’ve known for some time that if we could **bring OMNIPUBLISH and CHILI GraFx together, we’d have a highly innovative, enterprise-ready way of producing localized and personalized communication assets in near real-time for large retail chains. **
It was an exciting prospect. And we knew our big-name customers would love it.
So, it’s what we did!
As of April 2022, we’re delighted to announce that all CHILI GraFx’s features are now available to all ARISTID clients.
There’s no doubt that the retail space is undergoing a revolution. And it’s not just among platform providers. Customers want better, more personalized experiences, and you don’t need to take it from me. Here’s what Forrester recently revealed:
77 % des consommateurs ont choisi, recommandé ou payé davantage pour une marque offrant un service ou une expérience personnalisés.
Jay Pattisall
Principal analyst - Forrester
At the same time, retail—both online and in-store—is booming, and technology developments mean we are able to gather ever more data on individual customer preferences.
So, we asked the question: How can we use this data to help grow large-scale retail while also reaching customers in appealing, new ways?
The answer was clear: we needed to connect our cutting-edge retail tools with equally capable marketing creative tech. This would enable the personalization of local offers and would empower brands by giving them a competitive advantage in responsiveness and proximity marketing.
As big retailers are under huge logistics pressure, creative tech promises to optimize their marketing and communications, allowing them to repurpose resources. Thus, the partnership between our companies and platforms was born.
Our evolving collaboration will make it possible for our shared retail clients to painlessly produce the ever-growing quantity of on-brand visuals at scale that is being driven by today’s unprecedented amounts of data.
The combination of our two solutions now allows brands to exploit the full power of their promotional communications. Each creative activity produced by ARISTID tools can now be repurposed locally and instantly reproduced in an infinite number of variations and formats through CHILI GraFx.
ARISTID can now provide its clients with the ability to publish and distribute visual content for all types of offers across the marketing plan. The personalization of local offers empowers brands with competitive advantages like responsiveness and proximity marketing. It also ties online with offline marketing, using QR codes for example.
We’re convinced this will provide a huge gain for our clients. And that it will please shoppers at the same time. And given CHILI publish’s inspiring levels of marketing tech innovation, we’re very excited and confident about this relationship going forward. We look forward to producing further advances that benefit retail together over the coming years.
As of today, OMNIPUBLISH’s campaign creativity has been combined with CHILI GraFx’s content automation capabilities. **This power combo enables brands to run personalized and localized promotional communications at full throttle, and to produce infinite variations for online and in-store almost instantly. **
The synergy of our platforms and business models is also set to guarantee the quality of brand messaging through omnichannel distribution—always within a clear trajectory of retail growth.
The impact for retailers will be incredible.
And the excitement at being at the forefront of this retail and marketing creative tech revolution is felt throughout ARISTID and CHILI publish alike.
We decided to bring together the two best technologies in Retail Tech and Creative Automation MarTech to help our customers succeed in their retail business. At the same time, our goal is to stay at the forefront of rapidly evolving developments in the retail and marketing spaces.
Predicting the future of tech innovations is a precarious undertaking. Nonetheless, I’m confident that the growth of our business-technology partnership will, in turn, lead to growth in three areas: our customer’s business; brand satisfaction; and customer satisfaction.
Those are big wins, especially as we’re only at the beginning of our journey together.
So, I will wrap up here by saying a sincere thank you to the teams at both ARISTID and CHILI publish for their great work and aptitude for collaboration. Together we have the potential to lead the field in helping large retail clients through marrying customer data with creative tech for many years to come.
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Blog invité
Florian Payri
25 mai 2022