Use Case

Multichannel Graphic Production

The modern marketing landscape demands visual content that can rapidly adapt for multiple channels, formats, and platforms. CHILI GraFx streamlines the creation and production process of visual content, boosting multichannel graphics production and ensuring your message resonates through every medium.

Creative Production Challenges for the Multichannel

Juggling the production of endless variations across formats and channels can feel like a never-ending battle.

Manual Versioning

Constantly reformatting for different channels drains time and introduces errors.

Brand Management

Producing high volumes of multichannel variants is a brand management nightmare.

Data Integration

Personalizing content with dynamic data requires limiting your campaign's creativity.

Conquer Multichannel Complexities with CHILI GraFx

CHILI GraFx centralizes your creative production and automates the output of design and format variants for every channel – digital, motion, and print – from a single template.

Smart Templates

Build intelligent templates that maintain brand integrity while outputting rapid variations for different channels.

Brand Control

Embed guidelines directly into creative processes ensuring that all your graphic production is brand compliant.

Unlimited Scalability

Scale your output to any volume with creative automation and comprehensive data integration capabilities.

Benefits of CHILI GraFx

Time saved

Reduce time-to-market with automated multichannel adaptation.

Increased output

Create more visuals in less time, expanding your reach.

Cost reductions

Lower production costs by minimizing manual work.

Improved brand consistency

Protect your brand across every customer interaction.

Enhanced agility

Adapt graphics quickly to changing market needs.

Data-driven creativity

Adapt production strategically using data insights.

Book your Demo!

Ready for a one-on-one demo of CHILI GraFx specially tailored to your Multichannel Graphic Production needs? Fill out your details, and we'll book a specialist to show you the potential of CHILI GraFx.