As Marketing Operations Director, you’re under constant pressure to deliver multichannel, data-driven campaigns at an ever-increasing market pace. CHILI GraFx streamlines graphic production at scale, ensuring your strategies deliver flawless creative impact at any pace or volume.
Marketing success hinges on integrating teamwork with workflow. CHILI GraFx fosters collaboration and provides automation to drive your campaigns forward.
High volumes of data and the need for multichannel, targeted campaigns demand cutting-edge creative and graphic production workflows. CHILI GraFx has powerful tools to meet these challenges at any scale.
Wir sagen, Inhalte sind das Wichtigste, aber letztendlich sind Daten das Wichtigste. Wenn wir die Daten nutzen können, um mehr Inhalte zu generieren, und uns auf diese Inhalte verlassen können, dann ist das der Wendepunkt.
Deanna Ballew
Senior Vice President, DXP & AI - Acquia
Marketing accountability is essential, and every dollar spent needs to deliver results. CHILI GraFx gives you the insights and flexible pricing you need to maximize your budget and demonstrate a strong ROI.
Inconsistent messaging erodes trust and dilutes campaign effectiveness. CHILI GraFx automates the steps to ensure your brand is strong and consistent everywhere your customers experience it.
Durch die Verbindung unseres DAM mit der kreativen Automatisierungslösung CHILI publish können sowohl Ihre Designer als auch die Endbenutzer sicher sein, dass nur autorisierte Inhalte für ihren grafischen Erstellungsprozess verfügbar sind.
Deanna Ballew
Senior Vice President, DXP & AI - Acquia
Ready for a one-on-one demo of CHILI GraFx specially tailored to your work as a Marketing Operations Director? Fill out your details, and we'll book a specialist to show you the potential of CHILI GraFx.