The most brilliant solution is often the simplest one - Brillux knows why it teams up with Laudert and CHILI publish

Brillux installed a web2print portal to offer its customers and dealers completely new options for tailored and efficiently implemented product communication. Laudert designed and implemented the portal, relying on CHILI GraFx as the guardian of branding guidelines when customizing the content.

The struggle - brand inconsistency

Brand love can be tough love. Brillux wanted to remain in perfect control of preset brand guidelines, but also offer customers the flexibility of customization, without having to burden employees with the manual check-up on brand consistency. The search for an investment that would provide consistency and save time/money, commenced. Laudert, the renowned media and IT service provider based in Germany, recommended a good online document editor that blocks certain brand elements within document templates prior to any tailoring changes.

Once logged in, dealers can choose from color concepts, designed specifically to complement their defined logos.

Ulrich Wismann


The solution - brand guardian angel

Laudert knew CHILI GraFx would deliver perfect “copy-fitting”, making sure branding is respected at all times, no matter who’s working on the document. Ulrich Wismann, Project Manager at Brillux, enthuses over the integration: “It was the perfect solution to our problem. We have all the benefits and none of the hassle. Once logged in, dealers can choose from color concepts, designed specifically to complement their defined logos. These are then rendered in various design elements so that after selecting the print product they wish to order, the modified item does not only perfectly coordinate with the dealer’s corporate design, but it is also ready for further customization. Laudert and CHILI publish really went to all lengths to deliver the perfect solution.”

The benefits - brand love made easy

At first Laudert created and provided Brillux with the CHILI publish templates, training the Brillux team how to create these technically for the Web2Print system on their own after the initial set-up. Very quickly, it became clear that the introduction of the system at the company alleviated some of the workload of graphics employees in addition to ensuring consistent branding. The total solution was integrated into Brillux’s own shop system and the integration was carried out via web services. The programming based on HTML5 facilitates the design of interfaces in the customer’s design scheme and corresponds to customer requirements for a purely web-based application including compatibility with mobile devices. “This project has enabled both Laudert and CHILI publish to fully exploit the various aspects of our e-business expertise. The professional drive of all parties involved, ensured we managed to turn the project around in less than three months’ time.” Comments Jörg Rewer, Managing Director and Head of the Media/IT business division at Laudert.

Company profile

The Brillux GmbH & Co. KG is a German paint and varnish manufacturer.

They also turned to CHILI GraFx


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