Getting Promotions To Market Faster with Smart Templates

Creating eye-catching retail promotions can sometimes feel like a never-ending sprint. The fast-paced world of retail demands rapid turnaround times, leaving marketing creatives grappling with long hours, overbearing workloads, and the constant pressure to deliver. But what if there was a way to ease the strain, all while accelerating your promotional timeline? Enter CHILI GraFx’s Smart Templates – your game-changer in the world of retail graphical production.

I hear it all the time. Retail Marketers come to me and they say, by the time we get the design brief and the approvals, we only have a few days to deliver the promotion. And the expectation is it should happen just like that, even if there's 700 or 1500 variations on that design. It’s why they’ve gotten in touch. You see, they’ve heard about Creative Automation, and they’re hoping it can help overcome these stressful challenges.

Tim Daisy

CHILI publish

Through Creative Automation with CHILI GraFx, we can create variables in the Smart Templates, then use a data source to produce the content and appearance of hundreds, if not thousands, of variations.

Tim Daisy

CHILI publish

One single design can drive both print output and digital output. With CHILI GraFx, we have full support for CMYK, SPOT, overprint, font-embedding, and every other press requirement on the print side. And because print quality is absolutely critical for point of purchase displays, CHILI GraFx provides a robust preflight engine too. On the digital side, we have RGB output for static and animated graphics. CHILI GraFx drives it all, and output is consistently high quality.

Tim Daisy

CHILI publish

In CHILIpulse Episode 9, Tim chats with host, Bram Verniest, and they show you ways that CHILI GraFx can help you say goodbye to those stressful deadlines and long hours creating variants for retail promos!


Smart Templates

Tim Daisy

Bram Verniest

Co-Founder and Chief Evangelist

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