If one more student designer asks me this at drupa 2016… I ask you - is this really how the future print generation looks at innovation?
Because in spite of all industry efforts to communicate on the benefits of automating dull and time consuming processes, it seems the educational system has not yet jumped on board of the automation train.
I understand it from a designer’s point of view of course. They’re accustomed to creating a design job completely to the wishes of the client. And down the marketing and retail road, the design needs translating or requires updates. Extra work that lands on the designer’s table, on top of his existing workload. He has to remember the guidelines, tailor it again to the specific needs, keeping everybody happy. And hoping he did not make a mistake causing him to start all over again. Non-billable, of course.
Consider the alternative. As soon as a design is ready, the document can be fed to a web2print system or a brand portal. The designer sets the limits of what can (not) be altered, enabling any authorised user or consumer to adapt parts of the collateral to his/her needs. Key design and brand elements remain respected at all times, yet there is freedom to change what needs to be changed. Thus freeing up the designer from the dull post-job tweaks and alterations that often come with the job.
So look into flexible design. You as the designer have full control over your file, design it in such a way that brand protection and brand continuity are ensured. But make the design flexible, so users can tweaks alterations that affect the outcome, look and feel of the design, without touching its brand essence. Fluid design – controllable freedom.
Consider this also a shout-out to schools to anticipate this trend and integrate fluid design into their teaching program. Embrace automation, seize opportunities.
In short? You won’t lose your job, it is getting more interesting.
Next time you pass our booth (7a, F40), let me ask you a question. What are you looking to find at #drupa2016? Inspiration, creativity or ways of making your job easier?
Grab a CHILLax and talk to me, I’m intrigued.
Bram Verniest
Jun 9, 2016