The VIGC is the Flemish Innovation Centre for Graphic Communication. This well-established association has an outstanding reputation and regularly hosts industry events. These usually follow the same pattern: reception and drinks, vendors (wo)manning booths across a hall. But this time they didn’t just bring us together, they challenged us. By giving us 3 key speakers on a distinctive mission: disrupt our thinking. Bold move, VIGC, but challenge accepted.
My two cents? Tailor your strategy to the end goal. For our business, specifically: don’t make a distinction between online and/or offline. A good (marketing) communication mix will combine both. Put one in function of the other: order online, allow fitting, go to the shop for the physical pick-up. That will be the key to converting success: provide another contact point to up the brand experience.
My two cents? This industry has been doing personalization before it got popular. We know this and we know how to apply that data the right and proper way. Our technology made the hype possible. Surely we’re not scared of extra data to process? I only see added opportunities. Done properly, personalized/customized print will impact a purchase decision more profoundly than RTB digitals ads. We think long term over impulse. Why else make the investment in e-commerce?
My two cents? I agree. Ed also referred to Eshuis and the Coca Cola labelling case. Remember that white paper we just released on the –ization potential for the packaging market? Personalization and digital can up the brand level game. Case in point, Ed. Thank you for helping us state our case.
Het Congres 2016 (VIGC) stressed the importance of offering the tools / kits / modules to accommodate the great visions of entrepreneurs. But above all, it actually showed how the combination of new business concepts, brain teasers and some real-life customer stories, can actually result in success.
We don’t need new features, more options or faster turnaround times. We need to just tackle these other, new business models out there to sell the novelties. Trial and error, but to the innovator go the spoils. You won’t find me arguing with that.
Bram Verniest
Dec 16, 2016